23/04/24 09:25:31 9.3 80 6 3.96 9.37 44 0 0 1007.32 - 0 km/h C hPa mm 0 0 17.09 171.2 0 18.1 52 0 0 9.6 10:40 6.7 06:55 4.2 04:25 13.0 04:55 1010.100 01:20 1007.400 11:25 - 0 0 0 0 2 0 216.18 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 0

123/04/24Date as 2 figure day [separator] 2 figure month [separator] 2 figure year - the separator is that set in the windows system short date format (see setup)
209:25:31time(always hh:mm:ss as per computer system)
39.3outside temperature
480relative humidity
63.96wind speed (average)
79.37latest wind speed reading
844wind bearing (degrees)
90current rain rate (per hour)
100rain today
111007.32barometer (The sea level pressure)
12-current wind direction (compass point)
130wind speed as in 6 converted to force number (beaufort)
14km/hwind units - m/s, mph, km/h, kts
15Ctemperature units - degree C, degree F
16hPapressure units - mb, hPa, in
17mmrain units - mm, in
180wind run (today)
190pressure trend value (The average rate of pressure change over the last three hours)
2017.09monthly rainfall
21171.2yearly rainfall
220yesterday's rainfall
2318.1inside temperature
2452inside humidity
250wind chill
260temperature trend value (The average rate of change in temperature over the last three hours)
279.6today's high temp
2810:40time of today's high temp (hh:mm)
296.7today's low temp
3006:55time of today's low temp (hh:mm)
314.2today's high wind speed (of average as per choice)
3204:25time of today's high wind speed (average) (hh:mm)
3313.0today's high wind gust
3404:55time of today's high wind gust (hh:mm)
351010.100today's high pressure
3601:20time of today's high pressure (hh:mm)
371007.400today's low pressure
3811:25time of today's low pressure (hh:mm)
39-Cumulus Versions (the specific version in use)
400Cumulus build number
41010-minute high gust
420Heat index
442UV Index
450evapotranspiration today
46216.18solar radiation W/m2
47010-minute average wind bearing (degrees)
480rainfall last hour
490The number of the current (Zambretti) forecast as per Strings.ini.
500Flag to indicate that the location of the station is currently in daylight (1 = yes, 0 = No)
510If the station has lost contact with its remote sensors (Fine Offset only), a Flag number is given (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
52-Average wind direction
530Cloud base
54-Cloud base units
550Apparent temperature
560Sunshine hours so far today
570Current theoretical max solar radiation
580Is it sunny? 1 if the sun is shining, otherwise 0 (above or below threshold)